Welcome to my inexperienced translation corner. These will be entirely Japanese → English translations of songs and poems, purely for myself. Please note that I am still studying Japanese and so my translations will likely not be entirely correct or nicely worded!!!

  一昔前と すっかり変わった この街角で
  途方にくれた 小鳥みたいに 立ちすくんでいる
  かごから飛び出し 出て行った者は 裏切り者か
  じっとしていては ダメだと いつも 言ったじゃないか
  私を かごに 閉じ込めたまま 眺めていたくせに
  道を探せ 宙に浮いた鳥
  道を探せ きっと探すさ

  On this street corner, which is entirely different from long ago
  I was at a loss, paralysed like a little bird
  The person who flew from the cage and went away was a traitor, huh
  You were always saying sitting still was no good
  In spite of the time I spent while locked away in the cage, observing from the sidelines
  Seek the path, unsettled bird
  Seek the path; I will undoubtedly seek it

  一昔前と すっかり変わった ねェ あなた
  私だけは 置いてきぼりに したかったらしい
  人はみんな 四方八方 指さして 笑う
  こうなりゃ最後 頼るものは 自分一人だ
  一昔前の自分も 一緒だ 安心してくれ
  道を探せ 引き返すもんか
  道を探せ 過去に戻れない

  Entirely different from long ago, aren't you, hm
  It seems I'm the only one you wanted to leave behind
  In all directions, all people are pointing their fingers and laughing
  As it's come to this, in the end the only person I can rely on is myself alone
  Myself from long ago is the same; give me peace of mind
  Seek the path, there is no turning back
  Seek the path, I can't return to the past

  変わってしまった 誰もそれを 責められはしない
  時は今も 勝手な方へ 進んでいるんだ
  変わったあなたを 恨むもんかね だから恨まないで
  かごの中で 枯れていくほど 怖いものはない
  外に出れば 怪我はしても 枯れたりはしない
  道を探せ 引き返さない
  道を探せ 引き返さない

  To change completely, no one would condemn such a thing
  Even now, time continues on for its own selfish purposes
  I can't possibly resent the changed you, so don't resent me
  There's nothing as scary as withering away in a cage
  If you go outside, even if you make a mistake, you mustn't wither away
  Seek the path, I won't turn back
  Seek the path, I won't turn back

  道を探せ 引き返さない
  道を探せ きっと探すさ

  Seek the path, I won't turn back
  Seek the path; I will undoubtedly seek it


  Long, long autumn night's
  White sigh
  Town sleeps, silent as the grave
  I wait for the wind before dawn
  In the city's forest
  I set flying the letter addressed to you
  From my trembling fingers
  I wonder where it will go
  The heart of an alley; the bottom of a pond; a windshield
  The pieces of stationery that were forgotten


  In this kind of blue, cold morning
  It will certainly arrive
  The faded love letter
  It has survived through a long, long time
  Since the distant past
  When I put it in the post of the wind
  A show window; a park
  A gap between buildings; a bus stop
  Accumulating a golden color
  The long long autumn's letter


  You're a perfectly strange being,
  something that dissolves in water, made from a singular drop of a girl


  You're a perfectly strange being.
  I want to drink every last white drop of you


  You can drop sweet kisses on me
  Even if I'm killed by them, it's love


  You're a perfectly strange being,
  something that dissolves in water, made from a singular drop of a girl


  You're a perfectly strange being.
  I want to drink every last white drop of you


  You can drop sweet kisses on me
  Even if I'm killed by them, it's love
  The youth of men and women together
  The desires of men and women together